Slow FoodHunter Valley
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Fresh Food Bags

With over $1,500 raise so far, Slow Food Hunter Valley is well on the way to providing thirty five fresh food bags each week for the next month. This is our commitment to those in need in our community during this difficult time.

By providing people in our area with fresh local produce, we are also giving our farmers a boost by purchasing locally grown produce. Our farmers are also finding it difficult to sell their harvest at this time with so many people in lockdown.

For the next month, Slow Food Hunter Valley will be buying fresh produce from our local farmers to share 35 fresh food bags each week with those in need.

If you would like to help, you can assist in a number of ways.

Buy fresh produce from our local farmers.  The Readers Café and Larder in East Maitland – in addition to selling delicious take away food and coffee – also sells some of the freshest produce around, with all proceeds going directly back to the farmer.  

Buy direct from local farmers such as Nebo Farm, Phoenix Park Farm, Kapsali Farm, Huntervale Hens Free Range Eggs and Just Been Laid. Please see their Facebook pages for more information.

Donate to the fresh food bags fund. Just $30 will buy one bag of delicious produce for a family in need. Funds can be paid directly to the Slow Food Hunter Valley bank account. 

Bank Account details are:
Account name: Slow Food Hunter Valley
BSB: 062827
Acct No: 10250766

Please provide your surname as a reference when depositing funds.

We would like say a very big thank you to Amorelle and her team at the Readers Café and Larder in East Maitland who are coordinating this initiative, as well as continuing to run the Community Cooking Program to provide healthy meals from rescued food to those in need in the Maitland community.  We would also like to thank farmers Matt Dennis (Nebo Farm), Austin Briener (Heritage Farm), Sarah Sivyer (Just Been Laid) and Katrina (Hunter Vale Hens) for fresh, nutritious produce that they donated or provided at a reduced-price. There are some other produce donations that have come through as well and if you have been kind enough to donate, we would like to extend our sincere thanks. 

The Reader’s Café and Larder in East Maitland is currently trading from 9am to 12pm, Monday to Friday, selling take-aways and fresh local produce.   When visiting the café, please ensure you check in using the QR code, wear a face mask, practice social distancing, and do not visit if you are unwell or have been recently been exposed to COVID.