Please Help!
Crowd Funding for Bee Recovery and Pollination Support
Please help Slow Food Hunter Valley raise $5000. The best way to support the work of Slow Food Hunter Valley is usually by volunteering your valuable time (and shopping at the Earth Market!), but every now and then we need cash to do the things we really need to do. In this instance we want to support the management of bee hives being brought back to the Hunter Valley after their destruction following the verroa mite incursion. To do this we have created a crowd funding page. Please follow this link
All the information you need to know about what Slow Food is doing to support our farmers, to manage the return of bees for pollination, and our ongoing efforts to foster knowledge sharing and education about sustainably managing hives with verroa mite, can be found on this fundraising page. Any donation, however small or large, is desperately needed and gratefully accepted. Slow Food Hunter Valley get 100% of your donation and all funds received are for this project only.
For more information please contact or come to the Earth Market 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month in the Levee. There you can speak with Marcus Bridge at the Slow Food stand or Crissy Rowliff of Carinya Downs (whom we acknowledge as the incredible superstar of this project, volunteering her professional bee keeping expertise).
Pollination Masterclass
In the wake of the devastating verroa mite, Slow Food Hunter Valley has produced a video showing how to hand-pollinate your plants in the absence of sufficient bees.
Click here to head over to YouTube to view our masterclass in pollination.